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gun club, wdrpc, warrington, rimfire, shooting, target shooting, warrington gun club


We have a healthy competitions section within our club, with many of our members taking part in local and national championships.

WDRPC members are regularly seen in top positions within these championships.


Small-bore prone position, bench-rest competition shooting and full-bore centrefire shooting activities take place on an annual basis in respect of Military Rifle, Target Rifle & F Class Rifle.
A long-range, small-bore rifle competition has also recently been introduced and this is proving popular.


It should, however, be understood that competition shooting at any level requires commitment and considerable shooting skill, and this can only be acquired with experience and practice.


Indoor .22 Rimfire

Prone, Bench Rest and Offhand internal club competitions
UK postal league competitions



Military - .303 / 7.92 and other mix calibres

Target - Mix calibres

F Class -  .223 / .308 calibres - (100 - 600 yards)

.22 Rimfire Prone - (100 - 300 yards)


WDRPC is involved in competing in/with the following Associations & Championships:


Ulster Counties East Small Bore Association - UCESBA

.22 Rimfire Benchrest 15/20/25 yards


Cambridgeshire Target Shooting Association - CTSA
.22 Rimfire Benchrest; Airgun - postal leagues

Cumbria & Northumbria Target Shooting Association - CNTSA  (Results )
.22 Rimfire


Butterworth Trophy  - Internal club Competition

.22 Rimfire Benchrest 25 yards


Gort Trophy - Internal club Competition
.22 rimfire shooting Off Hand 25 yards

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